
Is Biotin What Your Thin Hair Needs?

As people continue to search for ways to fight hair loss, more focus has been put on diet regimes. Clearly what you eat affects the rest of your body, so it makes sense that it would also affect your hair. Biotin in particular is a dietary supplement that has become a popular form of treatment for hair loss. Biotin, also known has vitamin B7, was discovered in the early twentieth century. Scientists later learned that biotin played a major part in promoting cell growth in human bodies. Studies have since shown that biotin also helps promote stronger and healthier hair. As a result, numerous hair care products include it as an ingredient, and biotin supplements have become part of many hair-conscious diet regimes.

Giving Your Body the Biotin that It Needs

The best way to get a healthy dose of biotin is through your diet. Most people already obtain enough through their normal diet. Liver, raw egg yolks, and peanuts are known to have very high concentrations of biotin, but numerous other foods also provide you with a great source for the vitamin. Not to mention under normal conditions your body is also able to produce biotin. If you have a deficiency or you want to increase your intake of biotin in the hope of stimulating hair growth, then you should take a biotin supplement as opposed to using a topical treatment. Biotin does not absorb well through the hair, so biotin-based shampoos, conditioners, and topical creams that have biotin in them will have little effect on your hair or any potential growth. Some of those products may still improve the thickness of your hair, but that will be due to the other ingredients, not the biotin.

Does Biotin Really Improve Hair Growth?

If you are suffering from male pattern baldness, then biotin isn’t going to solve all of your problems. That doesn’t mean it can’t benefit your hair though. There is no doubt that biotin is essential for healthy hair. In many cases taking biotin supplements may help improve the overall quality of your hair. Despite varying reports regarding the effectiveness of biotin, most people who have taken the supplements have enjoyed positive results. After you start taking biotin, you’ll first see noticeable improvement in the health of your nails. It may take a month or longer, but in time you will start seeing great results for your hair as well. A proper diet, with a healthy amount of biotin, will result in thicker, healthier hair with less split ends. As far as hair loss goes, this is not a miracle cure though. Biotin will not result in the regrowth of hair.

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Are You Looking For Hair Loss Cures?

There are a number of reasons why someone would need hair loss cures and all of them have differing origins. Since the reasons for losing our hair are so diverse, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that there is definitely more than one solution available, which is good news for those who want to promote hair growth.

Hereditary factors can cause you to lose your hair

There is no getting away from the fact that losing your hair or even baldness can be hereditary. I know you are facing a sticky situation if your father lost most of his hair around the age of 36 and you are fast approaching that. However, what is different today is the vast array of solutions that can halt or reduce loss of hair and promote re-growth.

Stress can increase the need for hair loss cures

Stress can affect people in many different ways; breathlessness, irritability and yes even losing your hair. The body reflects the way the mind processes information and this can be seen in the hair too. If you are happy and healthy, your bodily functions will be in balance and your hair will grow naturally, and will shine vibrantly. However, with the increase in stress factors in your life, your hair can show this by becoming oily due to an increase in sebum. This can easily lead to hair loss. In fact, at stressful times in our lives many people can report an increase in hair loss. This can be very worrying for some, but there are cures for losing your hair that will halt this process and, in some cases, actually increase hair growth. However, for the best chance of changing losing your hair due to stress, it is advisable to remove the factors causing stress as well as addressing the loss of your hair with available remedies and cures.

Hormonal imbalance and the loss of hair

The body has many functions and is mainly ruled by hormones, both male and female. The incidence of female hair loss may not be as highlighted as that of men, but nonetheless many women lose hair. This can happen as they get older due to a change in hormones. They may also be subjected to these hair problems during pregnancy when the body is caught in a hormonal turmoil. Many people think that once they start losing some hair then baldness will ensue. This is not strictly true. If you are losing your hair because of hormonal issues, then once that hormone imbalance has been rectified, the hair loss situation will change too. Losing a certain amount of hair happens naturally and we are usually unaware of it until it becomes more noticeable, for example at the times of stress.

Choosing between the different hair loss cures

There are many more reasons for losing your hair than detailed here and as mentioned earlier, there are different reasons why we lose our hair so there are different hair loss cures to combat this. Sometimes, choosing the right one for you may be easy and you may hit on the solution straight away. For others, it may take a little time to find the right hair loss cure. However, as there are so many hair loss cures ranging from specialized shampoo and conditioners to laser technology and everything in between, there is sure to be a solution for each and every one of you.

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Herbs For Hair Loss

Have you ever thought about taking herbs for hair loss that you might be dealing with? The truth is that there are a number of herbs that you can take in order to help get back the healthier scalp and great looking hair that you once had.

Improper nutrition, poor genetics, stress, illness, and many other problems can lead to an unhealthy scalp and damaged hair. When you are dealing with these types of issues, chances are you will find that your hair simply is not as healthy as it should be. Hair will often times become brittle and will most likely shed at a much higher rate than normal.

One thing that many do not understand is that daily shedding is completely natural, and it certainly is not uncommon to shed as much as 100 strands of hair per day. This is perfectly normal, and is even beneficial to the overall health of the scalp. If you find that you are constantly picking up little clumps of hair after you shower or take a bath, have no fear because there really is nothing to worry about.

Excessive shedding, however, may be a sign of an unhealthy scalp and/or unhealthy hair that needs replenishing and repair. There are a number of things you can do to promote good hair health. Some of the remedies that you can resort to in order to bring life back to your hair include maintaining a proper diet, using all natural remedies such as olive oil or apple cider vinegar, getting more exercise, or perhaps even taken certain medications that are approved by your doctor.

There are a number of different hair treatments that you can use to try and eliminate your thinning hair problem, but in many cases there are simply too many unknowns. One thing that many worry about when taking conventional hair loss treatments is what kind of side effects they can potentially produce.

In order to avoid dangerous side effects, many resort to all natural and healthy remedies for their hair loss problems. There are also herbs for hair loss that you can take in order to promote health within both the hair itself as well as the scalp. Most of the battle when dealing with hair loss or hair thinning takes place within the scalp because that is where the majority of the growth takes place.

There are a number of herbs that can be used to minimize the rate of hair loss that you are currently experiencing. Here are some of the more popular herbs for hair loss that can help.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a particular type of herb that has an enormous calming effect that can help soothe irritated skin, especially on the scalp. Not only does it soothe irritated skin, but it can also help bring back the natural balance that is needed in order for skin to be healthy. Aloe vera can be massaged into the scalp and hair to help bring back moisture to the scalp and condition the skin for healthy hair growth and support.

Ginkgo Bilbao

Blood circulation is important when it comes to hair growth because proper blood circulation allows for more unrestricted flow of oxygen and other important nutrients to the hair follicles. This is turn helps produce healthier and stronger hair. Ginkgo Bilbao helps improve blood circulation which in turn can lead to a healthier scalp and healthier hair as well.

There are many other herbs for hair loss that you can take including green tea, horsetail, algae extract, saw palmetto, and many more.

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3 Surefire Ways to Stop Hair Loss Naturally

Many people are now suffering from hair loss problem and because of this a lot of medical companies are making different kinds of products that promote hair growth. However, these products are usually produced in laboratories and they are composed of different chemicals put together. There are people who do not want to use products with chemicals so they opt to choose natural remedies.

Using Onion Juice

There are natural, yet effective ways to stop hair loss and one of them is using onion juice. Onion juice is applied to the scalp to help stimulate hair growth and put an end to your hair loss problem. Some people may not want to use onion since this solution can make the eyes water and aside from that it has an awful smell so make sure that you will not leave the house with onion juice in your hair. A lot of people claim that this solution is truly effective. It is also cheaper and safer compared to other medical products for hair loss. Onion juice is a natural treatment for hair loss and unlike other herbs this one is really efficient.

Eating Protein-Rich Foods

Another surefire way to stop hair loss is eating foods rich in protein. Protein has amino acids that are needed in preventing hair loss. Proteins that provide the greatest benefit to healthy hair growth are cysteine, cystine, arginine, lysine and methionine. Protein is a very important part of a diet. If you do not have enough protein in your diet, your hair will eventually fall out after a few months. Foods that are rich in protein include, fish, nuts, seeds, lean meats, poultry, eggs, soy, dairy products and grains. According to study, you diet should include 15% protein.

Taking Supplements

Nowadays, it is quite impossible to provide all the essential vitamins and nutrients the hair and the body needs everyday. New technologies in farming has made several foods to have fewer vitamins and minerals than they should have. A lot of people also suffer from high stress level and bad eating habits that only diminish nutrients in the body.

Following these surefire ways will reduce your chances of developing hair loss condition. Remember that eating a balanced diet is very important not only for the hair but for the whole body as well. You are what you eat, and everything that you eat will greatly affect you inside and out. Make sure that you include protein, carbohydrates and essential fats in your diet to make hair and body healthy.

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The Best Ways To Avoid Sunburn If You Are Bald

Avoiding sunburn during the summer months is important for skin health and skin cancer prevention. Some people are more susceptible to getting burned than others. The elderly, small children and those with very pale complexions can burn more easily than others. Men who have exposed scalps due to baldness can also be at increased risk for getting sunburn on the scalp. Preventing a painful burn can be avoided by wearing a hat, using sunblock and staying out of the sun during peak hours.

Protect The Scalp With A Summer Casual Hat

The cheapest and easiest way to keep the scalp protected from the harsh rays of the sun is by wearing a hat or cap when outdoors. Even a few hours spent outdoors during the summer months can leave the sensitive skin of the scalp red and painfully burned without hat protection. Carrying a portable baseball cap is always a good idea in the summertime. A lightweight fishing cap made of opaque materials is another option. Both are easy to carry and can be folded up and carried in a trouser pocket for convenience.

Use An Effective Sunblock And Reapply Often

There may be times when wearing a hat is not possible. Spending time at the beach or poolside means finding a way to keep the scalp protected from burning. Using a good-quality sunblock product on the scalp will allow for more time outdoors enjoying summer activities safely. During swimming or sports, an oil-free product will last longer. Sunblock should be reapplied frequently during sweaty activities and after time spent in the water.

Avoid The Sun During Peak Hours If Possible

The most damaging and intense rays of the sun occur between the hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If at all possible, avoid spending time in the sun during those hours. Men who work outdoors during the summer months and have baldness need to pay extra attention to scalp protection during peak hours when the sun’s rays can cause the most damage. Sports enthusiasts like joggers, bike racers and other athletes should try to schedule workouts during the morning hours, or later in the evening if they can.

Baldness exposes the sensitive skin of the scalp to the elements. Even those with a full head of hair can suffer sunburn of the scalp. Preventing a painful scalp burn can be easy with a bit of planning and by carrying the right products along when outdoors. Doing all of the above at the same time is even more effective. By avoiding the sun during peak burning hours, applying a high-quality oil-free sunblock and popping on a casual hat, the scalp can stay protected from the harmful effects of over-exposure to the sun.

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Hair Loss In Women


One of the most devastating conditions that can occur to a woman in her lifetime is to start to have thinning hair. Men take it in stride and go about business as normal.

Hair loss in women is discussed like being gay before the late 20th century; it is discussed in the closet. Women are more sensitive to their hair loss than men, therefore when they start losing it; she could feel she is on an emotional roller coaster.

If you are a women and losing your hair, here are some of the emotions you could be going through and some suggestions on how you can get off of this roller coaster.

The Emotions

Some of the emotions women report going through when they start seeing their hair fall out are numerous. The most numerous types of emotions reported are:

  • Frustration Women can develop a feeling of frustration when they start losing their hair because it is not widely known that women can develop a hair loss problem. Plus whom do you turn to; men have many resources to turn to, but women do not have many such resources.
  • Embarrassment A woman will feel this especially if she thinks everyone is looking at her thinning hair. With this emotion a woman would also start to worry about how to cover up her hair loss up. Covering it up is much easier for women than men.
  • Feel Older We all age, that is one of the things in life that we can all expect. But when a woman starts to lose her hair, she gets the feeling of being older than she really is, and woman definitely do not want to feel or look older than they really are.
  • Other Emotions Some other emotions women may experience with hair loss are depression, and poor self-esteem.

How To Get Off The Emotional Roller Coaster

In today’s world there are many avenues you can take to solve your hair loss problems. The first step to take is to determine the cause of your hair loss problem.

To help determine the cause of your hair loss find a good dermatologist. The dermatologist you seek should have the following qualifications:
Board Certified Ensure your dermatologist specializes in hair treatment and is board certified. This will mean that they are well qualified for their specialty in dermatology.
Female Not only should the dermatologist be board certified, but also the dermatologist should be a female. This is important because she will also understand the emotions you are going through.

After determining the cause of your loss, your dermatologist will give you direction on stopping your hair loss. This could include a wide range of actions such as changing your oral contraceptive, using certain medicines; changing your diet or even using federally approved medicines.

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Stop Your Hair Loss Today

More and more people all across the world are having hair thinning and hair loss issues nowadays. It is a good thing that there are excellent herbs that stop hair loss problems at quite effectively. There are so many factors that cause hair fall, but most people do not care about these causes and they will just immediately look for medications that will help cure their problem. Some people will use products like oils and creams and there are some who will find treatment in terms of herbal medicines.

Head Massage

There are a lot of herbal medicines in the market today, but they will not take effect unless they are applied together with a gentle massage to the scalp. Research says that regular scalp massage is very good to keep hair and scalp healthy. Scalp massage should be done using the fingertips. Doing this regularly will improve blood flow in the scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

Herbs for Hair Loss Treatment

You may also use other types of herbal remedies such as henna, Aloe Vera, saw pimento, and nettle root. These remedies need to be mixed together and applied to the scalp to stop your hair fall today. Since they are herbs, they are very much safe and effective. They can also make hair safe, strong and smooth. These herbs will help retain the shine and health of you hair.

In addition, all of these herbs are very popular because of their ability to cleanse and detoxify. They can get rid of toxins and prevent scalp infections. They are very good in maintaining the growth of hair. Men and women can benefit from these great treatments. These herbs doe not only detoxify it also improve the immune system of the body. In other words, they perform several functions like nourishing, cleaning, repairing and rejuvenating all the structures connected with the hair follicles. Hair follicles can again take part in the life cycle and get some nutrients. Once they are properly nourished, you can be assured that hair growth will return back to normal.

Vitamins For Hair

Just as your body needs essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy body, your hair follicles need essential nutrients to grow healthy. If your diet is not sufficient to provide all these nutrients, you need to take vitamins. Some of these vitamins are essentially are all the vitamin B group, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin H and vitamin E. You also need some minerals. These are silica, zinc, iodine and iron. Check to see that your diet is providing all these in necessary proportion to your body. Otherwise you may need to take them as vitamin supplements.

Dietary Supplement For Hair

  • You need a diet rich in protein, fatty acids and the vitamins and minerals discussed above.
  • And there are fruits that can supply your body with these.
  • Include in your diet sufficient quantity of carrots, citrus foods, dark leafy vegetables, red bell peppers, avocados, berries and flax seeds.

All the above discussed steps will help you stop hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

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Understanding Androgenetic Alopecia

The term androgenetic alopecia generally refers to the hereditary patterned hair loss in both men and women. Hair loss normally starts at the frontotemporal region and progresses to the vertex and crown. It affects over half of men and about the same percentage of menopausal women. Studies show that the condition is more prevalent among Caucasians than any other racial groups. Androgenetic alopecia is normally asymptomatic. The affected individuals hardly notice that they have lost 30 or 40 percent of their hair since hair loss occurs gradually. It is only after losing about 50 percent of hair in the affected region of the scalp that affected individuals become aware of the condition. By the time significant amount of hair was shed off, the affected individuals may suffer from psychological distress. In finding the right treatment for androgenetic alopecia, it is important that one understands it causes.


Androgenetic alopecia is caused by the interaction of genetic factors and male hormones. The gene responsible for the condition has not been identified, but it is said to be inherited via autosomal dominant pattern. Individuals with androgenetic alopecia possess the genes that predispose the condition, and thus they are likely to experience patterned hair loss any time in their lives. The genetic predisposition for androgenetic alopecia renders the affected individuals sensitive to the action of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The presence of high levels of DHT in the androgen-dependent regions of the scalp promotes hair loss and reduces hair growth. DHT readily binds with the receptors in the hair follicles and cause the hair follicles to shrink. Shrinkage of the hair follicles results in hair loss and miniaturization of hair. The susceptibility of genetically predisposed individuals is further increased by the presence of environmental influences such as hormone therapy, exposure to radiation and high stress levels.


Androgenetic alopecia needs immediate treatment. Although the condition does not result in any serious health problem, it can badly affect the self-esteem and self-confidence of the affected individuals. Moreover, the condition is progressive. If left untreated, the condition may result in baldness. It is important to seek for the right treatment once the condition is diagnosed. Normally, doctors prescribe either minoxidil or finasteride, which are the only drugs approved for treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Minoxidil is topically applied while finasteride is taken orally. Both drugs are effective in stopping hair loss, but continuous use of these drugs is recommended to prevent resumption of hair loss.

If you are wary about the potential side effects of using drugs for a long period, then you should seek for other options. Some people with androgenetic alopecia resort to natural treatment methods such as rubbing olive oil, aloe vera extract and applying herb extracts on the affected region of the scalp. Natural methods are also effective, but you should stick with the regimen to see results. At present, there are also other natural treatments available on the market. These natural treatments come in several forms such as shampoo, conditioner, vitamins and supplements.

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The Top 3 Oils For Hair

Sometimes hair needs a boost to give it strength and shine. The best way to restore your hair’s health after heat damage, processing or even a long winter is through oil. When it comes to repairing and nourishing hair there are three especially beneficial oils: almond, castor and olive oil.

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is an excellent way to treat your hair to a bit of nourishment and will result in hair that’s both more manageable and more attractive. Olive oil has the ability to nourish and condition while improving the structural strength and elasticity.

To create your own olive oil hair treatment you’ll need 1/2 cup olive oil, 5 drops of your favorite essential oil and a plastic bag that can fit over your long locks easily.

  • Simply mix the oils in a jar and allow it to sit overnight.
  • When you’re ready for use, rinse your hair with warm water.
  • Pour a small bit of oil into your hands and massage into your scalp in a circular motion with your fingertips.
  • Use a gentle massage and repeat until you’ve applied enough oil to your entire scalp.
  • Now rub a bit of oil over the ends of your hair.
  • Place a large plastic bag over your hair and secure it.
  • Leave the oil on your hair for at least 30 minutes to allow it to soak properly.
  • When you’re ready, simply remove the plastic and rinse off the oil in the shower.

Shampoo as you normally do and when your hair dries you’ll notice it’s softer and more manageable.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil has many well-known medicinal uses and makes an excellent beauty product. It is effective in the treatment of acne and deep scars, but also there are also a number of benefits of castor oil for hair. Castor oil can keep hair shiny and soft while nourishing the scalp and encouraging new hair growth.

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid which protects the scalp and may even prevent hair loss. This amazing oil also has Omega-9 fatty acids that prevent dandruff by keeping the scalp moist. Many people use castor oil for its ability to produce thick, luxurious hair. This is especially beneficial to people with thin hair, or new hair loss. Castor oil is also a humectant which means it helps to draw moisture into the hair. Applying castor oil to the hair weekly can keep hair moisture, strong and shiny.

3. Almond Oil

Almond oil has many beauty and health benefits and has been used for hundreds of years to improve hair growth and strength. Almond oil is an excellent natural treatment for dry, over-processed hair and contains magnesium and vitamin E, both of which strengthen hair and improve shine. Almond oil can be applied weekly to hair to nourish strands and lock in moisture. Almond oil may even help control hair loss by nourishing the scalp while strengthening hair follicles.

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Do Herbs Really Stop Hair Fall?

Many people spend a lot on prescription medicines, hair restoration procedures, hair loss formulas and many other remedies for hair loss without knowing that the real cure is already there in your cupboard. Chinese herbs have long been known to remedy so many types of ailments or disease. Chemists, scientists and laymen are depending on herbs when it comes to stopping hair fall. Chinese herbs treat the whole body while treating hair loss. They believe that hair loss is indication of ill-health of the body. Hence they try to improve blood circulation and memory power as well while addressing the hair loss problem. No other culture is better in treating hair loss than the Chinese people because they have knowledge about these useful herbs.

Chinese people has been very successful in discovering various herbs that can regulate blood flow to the scalp, slow down hair graying, nourish dull hair and most of all stop hair fall. Here are some herbal recipes that can improve the overall quality of your hair in terms of strength, thickness and health.

Sage TeaWash you hair with sage tea and apple cider vinegar. Most Chinese women attested that this recipe made their hair grow. You may also add chamomile infusions to sage tea when you are in your last rinse to stop the itchiness.

Aloe – Another effective herbal recipe is any mixture of herbs with aloe such as birch leaves, watercress, stinging nettle or nettles. It effectively fights off hair fall. ADP Chinese Herbal System contains all of these herbs and is a complete herbal hair care that concentrates on massage oils and added with Chinese herbal shampoo, conditioner and scalp cream. These products are already available online.

Rosemary Extract – This will surely stop hair fall. To do this, you will need to mix Rosemary, natural shampoo and hot water.

Horsetail – Massage your scalp with this mixture to help treat hair fall. Combine tinctures of horsetail, rosemary, nettle and birch. This will stimulate hair growth; improve blood circulation and clear itchy scalp.

Natural ingredients such as herbs will probably take longer to be effective, but the result is truly lasting and without any harmful side effects. Always choose natural products because products with chemicals will only harm your hair instead of treating it. Beware of those chemical products which contain herbal extracts. Always remember that herbal effect is opposed when chemicals are present in the product. Always make sure that you choose a product which is 100% natural herb extract.

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Certain Hairstyles Can Cause Hair Loss

There are a number of reasons why hair loss occurs. Generally, the most common causes are heredity, physical stress, emotional stress, medical conditions, poor diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and certain medications.

But there are also unusual causes of hair loss and one of these is traction alopecia. This is a condition caused by damage to the follicles due to constant pulling over a long period. There are practices that can inadvertently cause tension to the hair strands. People who are fond of wearing tight braids can experience pulling of the hair and subsequent breakage.

Ponytails and pigtails are the most common hairstyles in women and children. However, care should be taken that the style does not cause significant pull to the roots. Constantly wearing the same type of style on the same area of the head can lead to a bald spot on that specific area.

Cornrows, the traditional African hairstyle wherein the hair is braided very close to the scalp is popular because of its easy maintenance. It is usually left on for several weeks at a time. But if the scalp is not properly managed during this time, it can lead to conditions such as dandruff, itchy scalp, and massive hair fall.

Weaves are becoming increasingly popular in women. This involves adding additional hair to the natural hair with human or synthetic hair to make it appear longer. The synthetic hair can also be attached using hair glue. Hair extensions involve weaving hair strand by strand that can be attached by directly bonding it to the hair or using copper links. Women who continually wear hair weaves are increasingly prone to hair loss.

Dreadlocks, especially popular among males, is essentially encouraging hair to tangle together as it grows. Over time, hair becomes twisted and matted, resulting to a hairstyle known as dreadlocks or dreads. This type of style can cause stress on the scalp and also tug the hair at its roots. The hair follicles become damaged and since dreads are thought to work best on dirty hair, a lot of people develop dandruff and also infections on the scalp that can lead to hair loss.

Inevitably, with the constant stress and pull of these particular hairstyles, the roots become damaged, leading to baldness due to traction alopecia. The tighter the hairstyle is, the more damage it can cause. Also, failure to practice good hair and scalp habits can lead to oil and dirt buildup, another cause of hair loss.

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