Reasons to Increase Your Biotin Intake to Encourage Hair Growth


Have you heard of Biotin and why you should ensure you get enough of it for your hair? Biotin is part of the vitamin B family, but when it was discovered, it was referred to as vitamin H. Further studies showed that it was actually part of the B vitamin family.

Here are some reasons on why you need it and why it is important for your hair.

Why Biotin Is Important For Your Body

Biotin helps you transform protein fat and carbohydrates that you receive in your food to energy that is needed by your body.

If you should develop a Biotin deficiency you may develop the following problems:

  • Loss of Appetite
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Loss Of Hair


But it is rare for a person to develop a deficiency in Biotin but deficiencies can occur if you are being fed by a tube or are an athlete that consumes large amounts of raw eggs. You don’t really need to be an athlete; you just need to consume raw eggs on a daily basis.

The reason raw eggs can produce a deficiency in Biotin is because raw eggs contain avidin, which binds with Biotin to prevent its absorption in the body.

Biotin And Hair Growth

Biotin was first discovered in the 1940s, so very little is known about it, But in regards to hair this much is known:

  • Promotes the growth of your hair.
  • Prevents hair from becoming dry.
  • Increases the elasticity of your hair.
  • Stops your hair from becoming brittle.
  • Makes your hair look fuller by increasing the diameter of your hair shaft.


Besides all this it is also believed that it can slow hair loss, but the jury is still out on that.

Where to Get Biotin

You can get Biotin through your normal diet. This vitamin is found in such products as liver, soy, brewers yeast, and egg yolks to name a few. You can also go to your local supplement store and purchase Biotin supplements if you think you need them.

Biotin is also being added to shampoos and conditioners, but it is believed that the body has a hard time absorbing this vitamin. It is best if you receive your Biotin from your diet or supplements.


As time goes on and more research is done on this vitamin, more benefits to the scalp and hair may be found from using or ingesting Biotin.

Posted in Hair Growth