Natural Hair Loss Prevention Advice

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss, and it is important for sufferers to have a basic understanding of how hair grows and the causes of hair loss when dealing with this condition. Losing your hair can lead to serious emotional stress for many people, both male and female.

Traditional hair thinning treatments usually require drugs or hair transplants which can be quite invasive and not particularly appealing to many people.

Natural hair loss prevention may take a little longer before you notice significant results but many people prefer to go down this path. It is important to remain patient, even the most effective products will take 3 months before showing signs of improvement. Many people have experienced great success with natural hair loss prevention products.

Some products worth considering are:-

Ginko Biloba is considered to be beneficial for many conditions, in particular blood circulation. With the increase of blood flow to the brain and head it is thought to promote hair growth.

Green tea is becoming increasingly popular and is thought to help with this condition as well as many other conditions.

Algae Extract is derived from sea vegetables and seaweed, and is high in minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids. These seaweeds aid in healing damaged scalp and hair and also provide a strong foundation for the new hair to grow. You will find a good range of seaweed hair shampoos at any good health food store.

Dong Quai is a Chinese herb used extensively for hair loss and to promote re-growth.

Ginseng has been used for centuries in Asia to boost circulation and cellular metabolism. Look for hair products and shampoos containing ginseng.

Saw Palmetto is believed to slow down hair loss while promoting hair growth. It can be taken as a tea or in supplement form.

It is also imperative to remember the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a well balanced diet will also play an important role in natural hair loss prevention.

Increasing your protein intake plays an important role in healthy hair growth. Soy, fish, eggs, dairy products, wheat germ, brewers yeast, tofu, grains and pulses are a great source of protein.

Inositol is part of the B vitamin group and is found in offal such as liver and kidneys. Inositol is proven to be among the main nutrients to spur on hair growth and prevent balding.

Also helpful are Vitamins A (broccoli, spinach, cabbage), Vitamin B12 (eggs, nuts, liver, unpolished rice) and Biotin (yeast, liver, mild, whole grains).

Beta carotene which can be found in red and yellow colored fruits and vegetables is also essential for improving and maintaining healthy hair growth.
Womens Hair Loss Treatments offers advise and treatment options for women suffering from hair loss due to a variety of health and medical issues.

Posted in Prevention