Hair Loss In Women – The Visible Secret


Most of today’s marketing for hair loss products is directed at men. Look at television advertising or any printed advertisement and you will see the real focus of these ads is directed toward men. But most people do not know that just as many women suffer from hair loss as men.

So what causes hair loss in women, why is it not as advertised as it is for men and is there a cure?

Main Cause Of Hair Loss In Women

The main cause of hair loss in women is Female Pattern Baldness (FPB). In fact, up to 40% of women will suffer from FPB. This is caused by the same condition that causes Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Both are caused by the creation of DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

DHT is created when the male hormone testosterone, combines with the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. Women have a small amount of testosterone, which is kept in check before menopause. But after menopause, the testosterone in women is allowed to form DHT. So after menopause, women are more likely to develop FPB.

Men can develop MPB after puberty when they start producing testosterone.

Here is where the similarity between MPB and FPB end. Males who develop MPB will start losing their hair at the crown and forehead. The two places will gradually lose hair till they meet to form one bald spot.

Women on the other hand who develop FPB will lose their hair from all over the scalp. Rarely do they develop a bald spot, but just have a gradual thinning from all over the scalp.

Why Is FPB Not Well Known

There could be several reasons why FPB is not as well known as MPB. Here are a few:

*Since women with FPB do not normally develop a bald spot like men, it is difficult to identify women with FPB.
*In today’s society, it is acceptable for women to wear wigs while it is not as acceptable for men to wear toupees. *Women can easily disguise their hair loss by putting on a wig.
*Women normally have longer hair than men so can style their hair to disguise their hair loss.

Is There A Cure

Like MPB, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a drug for use by women to stop FPB. The FDA has approved the use off Minoxidil, at 2% strength, for women to use to reduce and stop the effects of FPB.

Posted in Hair Loss In Women