July, 2011

Preventing Hair Loss Is An Achievable Feat!

“Preventing hair loss” can be relatively simple if you follow a few simple steps. Of course, every ‘event’ cannot be ruled out, but reducing stress and emotional factors that usually have an effect on losing your hair, can radically stop the process. Losing your hair can be due to a myriad of contributing factors and unless you eliminate every single one of these (which is quite impossible), there may be occasions when hair loss increases to your dismay. This is a natural cycle of life and only needs addressing if the problem becomes persistent, prolonged or noticeable. Clearly, there is a cause for concern if your hair falls out in clumps and you should always consult a doctor immediately.

Preventing hair loss caused by Androgenetic alopecia

The most common cause of hair loss is Androgenetic alopecia. This is not some foreign-sounding disease; it is a natural process of life. It is alternatively known as male (or female) pattern baldness. This means it is a genetic condition and although there are methods to address it and slow it down, there is little you can do to completely prevent losing your hair in this way. You will notice Androgenetic alopecia in men by the characteristic crown baldness and temple receding. Other types of alopecia can be caused by traumas, emotional upsets, chemotherapy treatments or skin conditions. The good news here is that the loss of hair caused by any of these can be reversed. In fact, the body may spontaneously re-grow the hair itself once the ‘event’ has passed. However, a little help from an external source will not go amiss.

Preventing hair loss by avoiding hairdryers

In modern times, we tend to pay more attention to hair than in the past. This includes frequent dying of hair and drying of the hair with hot hairdryers. Some of the products put onto hair can contribute to the loss due to the harsh chemicals that are not in balance with the hair. Simply changing to a more natural hair product can drastically change hair loss. Brushing hair whilst it is still wet can cause healthy hair to snap and break which can also increase hair loss. This is one simple remedy of preventing hair loss that anyone can change and it costs next to nothing.

Preventing hair loss by increasing nutrition

Increase your vitamin and mineral intake – this can bring about a huge change to losing your hair. There are heaps that can be said about nutritional values in relation to life, energy and hair loss. The hair is just an indication of what is happening inside the body and if your hair looks dull, lifeless and is brittle, then this could be due to a lack of nutritional content in your diet. I am not saying that a healthy diet can completely eradicate the loss of your hair, but it can certainly slow the process down and can increase your vitality as well. There has got to be a good reason for keeping your diet in check. In fact, it is backed up by research studies to suggest that low calorie liquid diets can reduce or inhibit hair growth. Therefore, be conscious of your diet if you wish to consider “preventing hair loss”.

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Is Biotin What Your Thin Hair Needs?

As people continue to search for ways to fight hair loss, more focus has been put on diet regimes. Clearly what you eat affects the rest of your body, so it makes sense that it would also affect your hair. Biotin in particular is a dietary supplement that has become a popular form of treatment for hair loss. Biotin, also known has vitamin B7, was discovered in the early twentieth century. Scientists later learned that biotin played a major part in promoting cell growth in human bodies. Studies have since shown that biotin also helps promote stronger and healthier hair. As a result, numerous hair care products include it as an ingredient, and biotin supplements have become part of many hair-conscious diet regimes.

Giving Your Body the Biotin that It Needs

The best way to get a healthy dose of biotin is through your diet. Most people already obtain enough through their normal diet. Liver, raw egg yolks, and peanuts are known to have very high concentrations of biotin, but numerous other foods also provide you with a great source for the vitamin. Not to mention under normal conditions your body is also able to produce biotin. If you have a deficiency or you want to increase your intake of biotin in the hope of stimulating hair growth, then you should take a biotin supplement as opposed to using a topical treatment. Biotin does not absorb well through the hair, so biotin-based shampoos, conditioners, and topical creams that have biotin in them will have little effect on your hair or any potential growth. Some of those products may still improve the thickness of your hair, but that will be due to the other ingredients, not the biotin.

Does Biotin Really Improve Hair Growth?

If you are suffering from male pattern baldness, then biotin isn’t going to solve all of your problems. That doesn’t mean it can’t benefit your hair though. There is no doubt that biotin is essential for healthy hair. In many cases taking biotin supplements may help improve the overall quality of your hair. Despite varying reports regarding the effectiveness of biotin, most people who have taken the supplements have enjoyed positive results. After you start taking biotin, you’ll first see noticeable improvement in the health of your nails. It may take a month or longer, but in time you will start seeing great results for your hair as well. A proper diet, with a healthy amount of biotin, will result in thicker, healthier hair with less split ends. As far as hair loss goes, this is not a miracle cure though. Biotin will not result in the regrowth of hair.

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